Patent Portfolio Management
Then and Now
A step-by-step guide on how to fix the flaws in your IP portfolio management strategy and how to start monetizing your patents—the right way.
Are you getting the most out of your patents?
Our experience tells us that most companies are underutilizing their portfolios — and you may be doing so, too.
To help you to find out more, in this FREE 26-page white paper, you’ll learn:
- How traditional — and mostly flawed — patent management systems work.
- The top 3 reasons why most patent portfolio management systems fail.
- The most common doubts of patent portfolio managers.
- What the exclusive Patent Lifecycle Management (PLCM) methodology is and how it works.
What you’ll find in this white paper:
- 3 real examples of patent portfolio management done right.
- 2 tips for improving your competitive analyses methods that you can implement right now.
- 2 case studies featuring the two-level Patent Matrix dashboards.
- A 3-step checklist to find out whether the tools you’re currently using are worth their cost.
Patent protection doesn’t last forever: the sooner you start monetizing your patents — and the sooner you start doing it the right way — the more revenue your business will get.